I felt sleepy rite now but i cant bear wif my mind dat asked me to write sumthing here! Urghh. The clock is already past da midnight. And what i'm gonna to share here..?? What..?? Actually dis evening my frend and i went to grooming class. Can u imagine da fee is just RM7. Wow!!! Slap ur face twice if u dont believe it. We got alot of product inside of goody bags. A few of them i'm willing to try but da rest naaa. Hahaha.
The event was organized by LISA magazine. Yaa i'm pretty sure dat not many people recognise dis magazine at 7 evelen rite. So, from now n onward we should take a look or it will be better if we can buy dis, it cheap lor juz RM3.90 and u can see alots of useful info on dis magazine. So, lets talk about da event. First session we did learn about how to make up, da simple one with earth colours eyes shadow. Due to our dark skin tone model, I actually cant see da colour blend on her eyes and i oso cant see da eye liner.!! So pathetic. But she's very lucky to have Cindy dat time to do da demo on her face. You know Cindy is one of Maybelline make up artist. Ho liaw!!!! She's being in dis area about 8 years. Wow!!!
Then, the next session we have Hijab style wif Radiusite. Okieh. I can tell you Kak Ika look so gorgeous dat evening wif her hijab style. I loike!! She taught a few simple style to us but honestly i cant even remember da steps coz i dont apply it. Haha. So pity. But I still remember a few step how to do Urban Hijab. Hehe. Dont worry videos from YouTube will help me lots when i need a new hijab style. If i miss it, i can replay. Easy rite. Haha. From dis session I learnt alot dat not all the hijab style will fit perfectly to ur face. Sumtime I need to enhance it to look better on my long face. The oval face is da perfect face to wear any hijab style. Credit on you Oval Face!!!
Yeah, I like dis session when I saw da moderator. Yeah, I mean she's beautiful wif her own personality. She has a bright personality and can attract people to deal wif her. She's awesome women I ever met. But I recognise sumthing dat the way she talk is similar wif miss Maria Elena. Yup I'm a big fan of her. Ohsem.! But the way she delivered da speech was really amazing. No wonder she can be one of da important person in Media Prima.Opss I forgot to mention her name. My bad. Dat ohsem women is miss Noor Amy Ismail. Now, she no longer in Media Prima but she's run da family business . Hehe. I still remember her 5 Mantras : Passion, Inspire, Change, Genuinity, Humility. Without passion u cant do anything well. You need to do da things dat you love. And you have to inspire it so dat you can manage to to it better and better. If you have a few bad habits then you must get ready to change it. In order to change yourself, along da way of your journey you have to keep your genuinity so dat you will not turn to be a PLASTIC person. Then, no matter how far or how much you succeed, you have to still remember who you are. Jgn lupa daratan. Always be humble and dont be arrogant. Then, here you are. A new person wif a bright personality, full of confident and you will look stunning on it no matter you're fat or super thin. Yay. But always remember, sumtimes we might dont know dat we hurt people wif our impolite communication. So, words can hurt most people rather than a knife. Yeah, sumtime we dont even know we hurt them till they write on their status on tweeter or fb. Haha.
The last session was very funny one coz the KAO's team teach us how to set a hair. I can say it was the simplest hair style but its not easy to do it you dont learn the step. Dis time i felt little bit boring coz I'm wearing hijab and yup mabey I can try da style at my room and i'm alone. Hahaha. Lit bit shy to let others see me doing all these things. Haha. Now, rocker turn to a very Ayu-ayu gegurl. Haaaaa. What can I say people changes rite. Same goes to me. >__<
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Urban Hijab Style. |
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Make up tutorial wif miss Cindy from Maybelline. |
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Miss Amy during the talk about self-confident Si gadis Urban. |
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Dis is LISA magazine!!! You should buy dis. Recommended. |
p/s : Overall I love to attend dis kind of event. Hope next time I can get a chance to go for another grooming class dat I can apply the techniques wif my partner. Hehe. Its much better rite but it will little bit costly. Knowledge is not free at all the time. Sumtime we have to pay for it. It worth. Hehe. Have fun yaw!! Gudnite.!! >__<
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